Friday, September 2, 2011

Imogen Thomas In A Sexy Bikini Photoshoot

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Imogen Thomas budha Beach Bar, Marbella this morning to show their spiritual side, hopefully covered by lots of sunscreen, it seems Imogen Thomas to be one with the universe when she assumes a praying position in Marbella.

Imogen Thomas In A Sexy Bikini Photoshoot
Showing off her spiritual side, hopefully covered by lots of sunscreen, it seems Imogen Thomas to be one with the universe when she assumes a praying position in Marbella. Ad, looking positively at the resort transcendental Buddha Beach Bar, was the Welsh glamor model responsible for ITV this morning.

Imogen Thomas In A Sexy Bikini Photoshoot
Imogen Thomas In A Sexy Bikini Photoshoot
Imogen Thomas In A Sexy Bikini Photoshoot
Imogen Thomas In A Sexy Bikini Photoshoot
Imogen Thomas In A Sexy Bikini Photoshoot
Imogen Thomas In A Sexy Bikini Photoshoot
Imogen Thomas In A Sexy Bikini Photoshoot

Don't Miss it

Beach Bar
    Imogen Thomas


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