Carrie Fisher:-
Carrie Frances Fisher was born October 21, an American actor, novelist, was in 1956. And screenwriter. That the original Star Wars trilogy and the Age of the bestselling novel postcard is known for her portrayal of Princess Leia's is most famous for her acting.
Carrie Fisher, two children of Hollywood stars (Debbie Reynolds and Eddie Fisher) for being so - and nothing against him: manic depression, which her mother says, start out with is genetic. Fisher and Reynolds were divorced when Carrie was two (so he married Elizabeth Taylor) is. Carrie on 12 as part of his mother in the night club act on stage, and in his young teens, was diagnosed bipolar. At 19 he had his first film role, in shampoos. Star Wars in 1977, her most memorable role as Princess Leia in the act. A role that one with the hair all a joke made about the number of prestigious action - a central theme in her 2009 Broadway show's own drinking.
In real life, from Hollywood Princess for Princess Leia, Carrie Fisher has spent a life beyond color. Hill married the daughter of a newspaper trade show, at the age of 19 most successful films of the world's most beloved co star, a pop music icon is different from marriage, and in and out of rehab.
Early life: - Fisher Beverly Hills, California, the daughter of singer Eddie Fisher and actress Debbie Reynolds was born. Was his ancestral Jewish immigrants from Russia. 1 [grandparents] His younger brother is Todd Fisher and her half-sisters are actresses Joely Fisher and Tricia Leigh Fisher. Connie Stevens Actress Joely and Tricia's mother.

1970 Carrer: - Soon after, Fischer Speech and Drama in London, which he attended for 18 months, joined the Central School. That comedy Columbia (1975) shampoos made his first film with Grant and Jack Warden Warren Beatty, Julie Christie and Goldie Hawn, starring. In 1977, George Lucas science Fisher starred as Princess Leia Organa-Fi movie star Mark Hamill and Harrison Ford, one part satire for that sleeping with some stupid "is received by the opposite claim Wars."
In May 1978 he appeared with ABC television movie in the John Ritter left one accident after a horse trainer who helps Ritter's character as a back drop tomorrow is a paraplegic.
Private life: from 1977 to 1983 Fisher Date musician Paul Simon, then from August 1983 to July 1984 had married her, and they dated again after his divorce. During their marriage, the track "Rene after the war with his dog and for Georgette Magritte Simon appeared in music videos."

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